This is my family!

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About Me

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I'm a stay at home mom with 3 of the best kids! I love being a mom and i love being a wife! Spending time with my family is my favorite thing to do. I love rainy days and good movies, vacations and a clean house!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


It seems like everyday I tell myself that I'm going to be more patient with my kids and make it a better day than it was yesterday. Somedays are really good and then somedays it seems like I'm getting onto them all day. So when they make me upset, I do the breathe, count to 10, walk away for a minute, then come back and address the problem with a clear mind, thing. Only I don't do it every time. Consistency is cruetial I've learned. In every aspect. Discipline especially. Following through.
But it still seem like I have to tell them at least 4-5 times to stop, quiet down, or whatever it may be and by the 4th time, I'm yelling!
It's hard being a mom. I wish there was a parenting manual that came with each child, to address their specific needs according to personality.
I remember my mom telling me that she could have spanked Krista until she was black and blue, and she still would have turned around and said, "That didn't hurt stupid." Every child is so different!
Austin is pretty much my easy one. He listens fairly well, and rarely talks back. When I ask him to do something, he does it. Stratton on the other hand... I could tell him 10 times and he'll only do it if I'm standing over him telling him everything he needs to do. He's one of those, "it's too hard" , "I can't walk", "I have to go to the bathroom" children, when I tell him to do something.
Oh but I guess that's life. Bad days come with the good. You can't give up or quit. So you push through and enjoy every moment as they grow and learn, because it goes by way too fast.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Life Is Good

I am so happy in my life right now! I am married to a wonderful man, Nemo, who is more than I could have hoped for. He is an awesome dad and his best quality, is that he loves his family more than anything. He is such a hard worker and there is nothing that he wouldn't do to make our lives better. We have 3 beautiful kids together. Austin is 5 and in Kindergarten this year. He loves loves loves school! He would go 24/7 if he could. And he's very smart. He loves reading, writing, coloring, and drawing. He's a great big brother! He's always very willing to help me with anything that I need. I just love that kid. Stratton is 3 and he's my all boy child. Cars, trucks, tractors, dirt, rocks, he loves it all! He'll climb anything, which is not so good sometimes. But we have been lucky so far, to avoid broken bones or stitches. He is a daddy's boy! He loves when he gets to go to work with daddy. He's a sweet boy. And Hadley! Oh i'm so glad i got a girl! She's 8 months old and crawling all over the place. She has such a fun personality. She loves getting her picture taken. When the camera comes out, the smile goes on! I've enjoyed having a girl to dress up and buy cute hair bows for. I think everyone should get at least one daughter! We want 1 more baby! So when Hadley gets a little older, we'll try for another. I am so lucky to be able to stay at home with my kids, and take care of my house. One of my favorite things in the whole world is a clean house! Doesn't stay that way for long but I love it while it lasts! I don't think it could get any better than this!